Saturday, January 10, 2009


Stopped at a Salvation Army on the way home today and found this dress that I totally fell in love with, despite having no apparent reason to wear it. But oh my heck, it was only FIVE DOLLARS. I'm sorry, but I am too much of a bargain hunter to give up such a deal. Plus, I look smokin' in it.


And also, I was feeling a bit photo-y, so I took this one as well:

I didn't notice that luchador in my closet until after I had already taken the picture. Oh, well. I am now realizing how long my hair has gotten, too. Bonus!


JohnO said...


You are smoken in that outfit.

And here I thought I scored this weekend with a $20 leather jacket.

Jared said...

Nice! Think it was a bridesmaid throwaway?