Friday, November 21, 2008

I love my mom.

My mother came to have lunch with me today at work. It's always nice to spend time with her, since we have always been good friends. Not to mention that taking a little bit of a longer lunch break is ok by me as well.

After lunch, she gave me my 'Thanksgiving Basket'. Oh my gosh. She is the most sweet and thoughtful person ever. It was a small wickerish laundry basket with potatos lining the bottom, stuffing mix, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie mix with homemade crust and a tin, homemade roll dough, and (frozen) fresh turkey breast from turkeys that she raised herself. All with a little recipe card with directions for a thanskgiving dinner. I'm glad that I took a lot of the good qualities I adore about her, because it just makes me feel fantastic inside to know that people do nice things for the sole purpose of making other people happy.

Also, I found out a way to make cheap turtles (the candy); Take a mini pretzel, put a Rolo on top that is slightly warm and melty so that you can smoosh it down with a pecan half. Chill. Voila! Easy peasy, and super nommy.

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