After lunch, she gave me my 'Thanksgiving Basket'. Oh my gosh. She is the most sweet and thoughtful person ever. It was a small wickerish laundry basket with potatos lining the bottom, stuffing mix, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie mix with homemade crust and a tin, homemade roll dough, and (frozen) fresh turkey breast from turkeys that she raised herself. All with a little recipe card with directions for a thanskgiving dinner. I'm glad that I took a lot of the good qualities I adore about her, because it just makes me feel fantastic inside to know that people do nice things for the sole purpose of making other people happy.
Also, I found out a way to make cheap turtles (the candy); Take a mini pretzel, put a Rolo on top that is slightly warm and melty so that you can smoosh it down with a pecan half. Chill. Voila! Easy peasy, and super nommy.
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