Saturday, November 15, 2008

Laughing and crying.

I went to the Comedy Connection tonight with Martina (a coworker) to see John Cail (who works in the reservations department) perform. Can I just say, I don't know why I don't go to stand up more often. I love it. Laughing is so good. Even if they aren't that funny, it's still good for me.

On another note, it was beautiful weather tonight. 57 degrees! In November!  

I've officially had everyone from the front desk tell me that they miss me. It feels good that I made a big enough positive impression that people miss me, and it's also hard to hear that people I care about are unhappy. But what can you do? I had to go on. If they had paid me more to do that job, I probably would have stayed. I know that i miss it now. I miss being good at what I do, and knowing my job inside and out. I guess that will come with time, though.

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