Thursday, December 4, 2008

Competition, you say?

So, Kim at work would like to have a weight loss competition with me. I know, you're thinking why would tall pretty blond Kim want to lose any weight? But she says she's put on some pounds and she'd like to get it off. I'm down. There's nothing like a little competition to spark the motivation in me. I say bring it.

Christmas shopping starts tomorrow for me! I'm super pumped. Then Saturday. And then I want to be done. Did you hear that someone got trampled to death on Black Friday? That is just plain ridiculous. Uh uh. No thank you.

Tina is in town and we are hanging out tonight. I just love her to pieces. It's good to have people in your life that just make it a happier place. I have a lot of those people, and I need to not forget that.

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